What Should I Expect at a Dental Cleaning?

If you’ve moved to a new town and found a new doctor, hairdresser, breakfast place, and a great babysitter, ask yourself, have you seen a dentist lately? Often, people don’t think about getting a new dentist unless something makes them remember: a new cold sensitivity, a loose crown, or extra tartar that makes flossing more difficult.

Having regular teeth cleanings can help prevent a myriad of problems, so put it on your calendar and schedule a cleaning todaywith us! Keep reading to learn about dental cleanings, and what to expect if you haven’t been in a little while.

The Cleaning

Depending on your hygienist’s preference, they may use electric tools or a handheld set of tools to remove tartar from your teeth. Though the noise of the electric tools may feel loud in your head, they are completely safe. If the sound gives you anxiety, just let us know and we can accomodate you.

After the tartar and plaque is removed from your teeth, the hygienist will give you a professional teeth floss to remove any stray bits that have been left behind. If you feel anything sharp, let them know and they can go over your teeth one more time to remove any remaining buildup. The cleaning is finished after a quick polish, which is like an extra-scrubby toothbrush.

You might be asked if you want fluoride as well, which comes in a liquid or a foamy gel consistency. It will need to sit on your teeth for at least a minute.

After the Cleaning

Your dentist will perform an oral exam, and will let you know if you need to come back for cavity fillings. Alternatively, if you have more serious issues, you may be told you need to come back for a few visits (such as with crowns or bridges).

You may find that you notice your mouth a little more, directly after your cleaning. This is completely normal, and may last for a few days if you had a lot of tartar buildup.

If you’re ready for a dental cleaning, call us today at (208) 322-1112 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Wright.