Oral Anatomy 101: Understanding Your Teeth

You know that you have them and you know that the best way to take care of them is to brush and floss on a regular basis, but there are likely some basics about your teeth that you may not be as familiar with. To help you gain a better understanding of your teeth, we have created a basic article discussing the different types of teeth. Read on to learn more.

  • Incisors: The teeth that lie front and center in your mouth are called your incisors of which you have eight of. As the first teeth to erupt in your mouth, incisors usually start to sprout around six months of age.
  • Canines: Often referred to as your “vampire teeth,” your canines are the sharp pointy teeth in the front of your mouth. Ideal for chewing up foods like meat, canines are the teeth that do most of the tearing when you bite into foods. The two incisors on the top of the mouth and the bottom of the mouth usually come in a bit later in life; around 16-24 months.
  • Deciduous Molars: These molars are the first set of molars that start to erupt around the age of 12-15 months and are what help you chew and grind your food. After they fall out, however, they are then replaced by your bicuspids.
  • Bicuspids: Your bicuspids or premolars help you to chew and grind your food so that you can properly digest it. You have two bicuspids on your upper jaw and two on the lower jaw. Typically, you will get your bicuspids around the age of 10 or 11.
  • Wisdom Teeth: Not everyone has wisdom teeth, but most people do. Erupting around the age of 18-20, wisdom teeth are typically removed to prevent any overcrowding in the mouth.

Sometimes it’s nice to get back to basics and learn things such as the anatomy of the mouth. If you would like to learn more about the structure of your mouth and teeth, contact Centennial Dental Center today to schedule an appointment with our office!